With extensive experience with can ends inspection, SMVS has developed a new section for inspection of Cans. This system can work both on-line and off-line. Customers can select its component functions to meet their specific requirements. This system can inspect both inside and outside of the can It can even inspect the bar code. SPC, modular design and its flexible combination will bring a better customer experience.
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The SLAC Can Outside Printing Inspection System is ideal to guarantee high printing quality for beverage and food products. Utilizing SLAC’s unique algorithms and software technology, the system can unwrap the cylindrical surface of an un-oriented container automatically and acquire the 360 degree image of the can. Defective containers will be blown out from conveyor. SPC, modular design and simple user interface designed for changeover deliver a better customer experience.
This machine is ideally installed directly in the production lines. It has an extremely simple operating principle for the total elimination of defective cans (pin holes,dented flanges,cracked flanges,cracked flanges,cracked welds,etc.). Standard vacuum is applied to the cans and those found faulty will be automatically rejected. Can height can be set with simple adjustments in about 5 minutes. Changeover of diameter is also possible by means of tool kits (setting in 50 minutes). The in-feed belt feeds cans to the rotary testing unit with 20, 40 or 52 heads. As each head completes a full revolution, it depressurizes the can being tested to a standard pressure value.
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11235 Sebring Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45240
+1 (513)589-3907